Available Email Notifications

Modulr can send notifications via email alerting you to certain activity on your accounts such as when funds are paid in or your balance drops below a certain amount you define.

Only users with Admin or Admin+Approver roles can manage notifications for your accounts. Other users can only view which notifications are on or off.

Select 'Notifications' in the side menu to manage which notifications you want to receive.

Notifications summary

Notification name Description When sent
Payment summary Summary of Pending Payments across all accounts Sent each morning at 9am if accounts have items pending

Sent day before future dated payments are due to send

Sent day before payments that are due to expire
Approvals Summary of payments and beneficiaries that require approval Whenever there are approvals outstanding.
Sent at 9am each day

NOTE: Automatically sent – only sent to users with any "+Approver" role (View+Approver, User+Approver, Admin+Approver), and is not configurable in the Modulr Portal.
Pay in Receive a notification when a payment above a user-defined amount is received into an account Sent when an account receives a pay-in above the user-defined amount
Balance below Receive an email when a balance falls below a user-defined amount Sent when an account’s balance falls below the user-defined amount
Balance above Receive an email when a balance goes above a user-defined amount Sent when an account’s balance goes above the user-defined amount
Scheduled balance alert Receive an email containing account balances on user-selected day(s) Scheduled by user
Statement Receive an email when a new statement is downloadable Sent when a statement is available at the beginning of each month.
Authorisations Window Report (Virtual Card / Travel users) Receive a daily email containing your authorisation window report Daily at 9am