Card Activity Report

This report details a list of card activity on all cards on a specific day. It shows all the activity on the cards you have created.

Given that the report is generated daily, it includes all transactions carried out on the previous day (or any specified day within a 3-month period). 

Report Content

Column Name Description
Account Currency Currency of the account
Account Reference Modulr identifier of the account that your card is linked to
Account Name Name of the account which funded the card
ARN Acquirer Reference Number (ARN), is a unique identifier assigned to credit or debit card transactions. It is generated during any credit or debit card transaction and the acquiring bank that processes the transaction assigns a unique ARN to the transaction
Auth Code Authorisation code used in a transaction
Billing Amount Total amount that has been charged to the card for a specific transaction
Card Activity Reference Modulr identifier associated with a specific transaction, on a particular card
Card Product Card offering that is being used by the customer. Example card products: VISA IDX 200, Mastercard GWP 180
Card Reference Modulr transaction identifier associated with a specific payment card. It is typically a sequence of alphanumeric characters
Card Scheme This specifies the card scheme used. It will be Visa or Mastercard
Txn Credit or Debit Transaction details. It can be a credit or debit
FX Rate Exchange rate used between the account currency and original currency if they are not the same. For example: You can create an EUR card but the supplier charges in another currency. The FX conversion is undertaken by the scheme using their rates of exchange
Masked PAN 16-digit masked Primary Account Number (PAN). We never disclose the full PAN so only a masked version, with numbers replaced with asterisks* for security reasons
MCC Code Merchant Category Code (MCC) is the four-digit number assigned to a business by their acquirer to correctly classify the business
Merchant Country Merchant’s country as registered with their acquirer
Merchant ID Unique reference identifier of the merchant. This can be a numerical sequence or a mixture of numbers and letters
Merchant Name Name of the merchant. This can include a Dynamic Descriptor of the Merchant. This is usually the Doing Business As (DBA) name. It can also include Transactional references or Customer Service contact details
REASON The reason for which a card authorisation was declined. Therefore, it is only populated for declined authorisations and is null otherwise
Settlement Date Date on which the transaction was settled
Txn Amount Amount of the transaction
Txn Status Status of a card transaction. Each status provides information about the processing stage of the transaction. More information on transaction life cycle can be found here on our technical documentation site. 
Txn Type Type of card activity. More information on transaction type can be found here
Txn Unique ID Modulr Transaction Reference for the payment received
Custom Reference Field Custom Reference Fields offer the ability for you to add extra information to cards, at either the creation stage or if you are updating a card, this can be whatever extra detail you may require to efficiently manage cards and their transactions.