Multiple Confirmation of Payee

Multiple Confirmation of Payee (CoP) allows users to check if the account name and account type of multiple payees matches records at the payees' banks when making Approvals.

Most users will have access to Multiple Confirmation of Payee in the Approvals page. If you use the Modulr Portal and are interested in using the feature, please contact Customer Support.

Once payments have been uploaded via an integration or Modulr’s File Upload you can view them in Approvals.

  1. Select the payments you want to approve, in the dialog that appears, assign the account type (Personal or Business) then select 'Yes, Check'.
  2. When the check is done, the result of the check will be shown in the 'Payee Details' column, see the table below for an explanation of what each result means. 






The Payees details match those held on file at their bank

Partial Match

Three separate scenarios:

  1. The name provided is ‘close’ as per Pay.UK’s rules to the name on record at the payees bank

  2. The name provided is correct but the account type is incorrect

  3. The name provided is ‘close’ as per Pay.UK’s rule and the account type is incorrect

No Match

The Payee name entered does not match the details held on record at the bank for that sort code & account number.

This response can be prevalent in cases of fraud, users should be absolutely sure they are paying the right person with this response code.

Account not found

The Sort code and account number combination does not exist.

Payments with this response will not be able to be approved

Account Switched

The Payee has switched their account to another bank

No Response

Pay.UK’s CoP service is temporarily down

CoP Unavailable

Two scenarios:

  1. Pay.UK’s APIs are temporarily down

  2. The payees bank does not support CoP

In Progress

The CoP check on the payment is in progress

Marked Valid

The payee has been ‘Marked as Valid’ in the portal. See explanation below

Select 'View Details' in each payment to see what the bank has responded with.

Here you can mark the Payee as valid if you wish, or run the check again – when you approve the payments (by selecting them in the main table and selecting 'Approve') you'll be directed on-screen as to what to do next.

For anything other than a match, we advise you to re-check the payee details displayed with those on your own records before you continue to Approve the payment(s).

Mark Payee as ‘Valid’

To prevent continued error messages in future payrolls you can mark the payee as ‘Valid’, this means future CoP checks won’t need to be performed.

This will also enable you to approve payments of type 'account not found' if desired.

Issues / FAQs

File Upload character limits

BACS18 files have a name field with a character limit of 18. This means that some payments created via BACS files will not include the full name of the payee, causing the CoP result at best to be partial match at worst it will be no match

Xero character limits

In the Xero platform the bank account name is limited to 50 characters. If an individual, or company's name is longer than this then CoP will likely be a partial match. In some cases it may be a no match.