Managing Virtual Cards and their Details

View all cards

Navigate to 'Cards' in the side menu to view all your Virtual Cards.

Viewing Card details

When a card has been created, select the card to be taken to the Card Details view, where you can:

  • View the card number
  • View/edit card details, the details available to edit are:
    • Card limit
    • Authorisation window (only if the timeframe has not started)
    • Cancellation date (only if the date is in the future)
    • Custom fields
  • Block card
  • Unblock security code (The card security code is the 3-digit number used to enable a card transaction; this can be blocked with 3 incorrect attempts. To then unblock the code, select this option from the dropdown menu)
  • Cancel card

Editing Card details

Select the yellow Card image to edit the details added when the card was created.