Partner Features and Capabilities

Using the Modulr Portal as a Partner provides these Partner-specific features. Only Partner users will see these.

All features that are not specific to Partners such as approving and managing payments & payment batches, creating accounts etc can be found in the 'Using the Modulr Portal' section.

Creating Customers

As a Partner user, you can create your customers directly in the Modulr Portal by adding all the necessary business information about the Customer.

In-House KYC (know your customer)

If you are on an In-House KYC model, Modulr will perform automated checks on the business details and individuals involved in the ownership once submitted, and we'll get in touch if any further information is required.


As a regulated business, we need the details about your Customers' businesses, structure and the individuals involved in the ownership, to meet compliance requirements, in order to set up an account.

Go here for a detailed view of the information we require.

Outsourced KYC (know your customer)

If you handle KYC yourself ('Outsourced KYC'), your Customers will be created on the Modulr platform immediately once you've added all the necessary business information.

Cards Programme

If you're using Modulr to manage Virtual and Physical cards for your Customers, the Modulr Portal provides visibility and control for cards. Go here to learn about managing Cards as a Partner.