Scheduled Card Authorisations Report

This report details future dated authorisations for individual cards to which you have selected Authorisation Windows in the future.

This report lists the sums of the value of the cards created to be authorised within different authorisation windows set in upcoming 2,7,15 and 30 day periods. If a card does not have card authorisation window set up, it will not be considered in the report. This report can be sent out via email every morning if required. All figures are as of midnight of the previous day. 

Report content

Column Header Description
Report Date Date on which the report was generated
Account Name Account with which the scheduled card authorisations are associated
Account Bid Unique account ID associated with the account. It is typically a sequence of letters and numbers
Account Balance Balance in the account at 11:59pm on the previous day before the report was generated
Account Currency Currency of the account
Auth Window 2 Days Sum of the value of the cards created to be charged within the following 2 days
Auth Window 7 Days Sum of the value of the cards created to be charged within the following 7 days
Auth Window 15 Days Sum of the value of the cards created to be charged within the following 15 days
Auth Window 30 Days Sum of the value of the cards created to be charged within the following 30 days