Completing an application invitation from your Delegate

If your Delegate / Accountant has invited you to use Modulr, here's how to access, complete and submit the application.

Your Delegate/Accountant will have started the application and completed most of the information. They then will have sent a unique application link to you via email.

  • Check your inbox. Select the link in the email to access the information. Now you can access the application details to:
  • Review (and amend if necessary) the details that have been entered about your business
  • Add any information that's missing or your Delegate/Accountant couldn't complete
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy
  • Submit the Application

Reviewing the application

Client – reviews application

  1. The sections on the left show progress and what needs to be completed for your application.
  2. When you select each section, you’ll see any information your Delegate/Accountant has completed in ‘cards’ listed down the page. 
  3. Check each card’s details. If any details need completing, the card will display ‘Incomplete’ at the top.
  4. Select ‘Edit details’ if some information isn’t complete, a form will pop up where you can enter what’s required. Select Save Details to continue.
  5. We’ll show a prompt to add details if they're missing, or if you need to add extra details that should be included but aren’t shown.
  6. Some sections can’t be selected until prior information is completed (they’ll display a padlock icon). They’ll become unlocked once necessary prior sections have been completed.
  7. Save & Exit – You can save the application without submitting it if you need to come back later – return to the application from the link in the email you received. 

Submitting the application

Once you’re happy all the information is correct (and all the left sections have green ticks), you can submit your application.

  • Double check that all the information is correct.
  • Read the disclaimer and select the checkbox if you agree with the statement.
  • Select ‘Confirm and Submit all Information’.
You’ll also receive an email confirming the application has been submitted successfully.

What happens next?

The application will be subject to our usual Compliance checks, and your Delegate/Accountant will be able to monitor the status of the application in their Modulr Portal until checks are complete.

Most applications are reviewed within 5 business days. If any more information is needed to complete your application, Modulr will be in touch via email.

Once checks are done

Once our checks are done, you'll receive an email containing a username and a link to set up your access in the Modulr Portal.

Setting up your Modulr access

Learn more about setting up your access here.

Your account will also be linked to your Accountant/Delegate, who can manage accounts and payments on your behalf via their Modulr Portal.