Signing in and managing your Portal access

Portal access is managed by a username we give you and a password you create, aswell as a multi-factor authentication app called Authy.

How do I sign in? 

When you are set up on the Modulr Portal, you'll receive an email containing your username and details about the multi-factor authentication (MFA) app you need to use called Authy. It's a good idea to download and register in the Authy app before you create your password. 

Once that's done, select the link in the email and you'll be taken to the Modulr Portal where you'll be asked to create a password. Learn more about creating a password and setting up Authy here.

Signing in

Once your password is set, each time you sign in you'll need to use your username, password, and respond to an MFA challenge – look out for a notification on your Authy app on your phone. 

I've forgotten my password

On the sign in screen, select 'Forgotten Password'. You'll be taken through some short steps to reset your access. 

  1. Enter your username in the dialog you see. Your username can be found in the original setup email you received from us. 
  2. Select 'Request a Reset'
  3. You'll receive an email from us to the email address you use with your Modulr account
  4. Select 'Reset Access' in the email – you'll be presented with the Create Password screen where you can update your password.
  5. Sign in as usual, using the new password.

I've been locked out of my account

If you attempt to sign in with the incorrect details too many times, you may be locked out of your account.

  • Check your email – we will have sent you instructions on how to reset your access
  • Select 'Reset Access' in the email – you'll be taken through the steps above. 

If you are still unable to sign in, please contact Customer Support.