Making Payments with Iris Earnie and Modulr

Exporting your payments from Iris Earnie to be approved and sent from Modulr just takes a few simple steps.

Once you’ve set up your access to the Modulr Portal and are successfully signed in, you’re ready to set up and export payments from Iris to approve and send in Modulr.

Before you start

First, make sure you've enabled Faster Payments in Iris Earnie.

Sending Faster Payments from Payroll

  1. To submit a faster payment, go to the Faster PaymentsSend.
  2. Complete the fields displayed on the Select Employees – Faster Payments screen, ensuring to enter a Payment Reference (this field has an 8-character minimum) and select OK.
  3. The Faster Payments Preview screen will open, showing details of the faster payment before you submit it to Modulr.
  4. Review the details, once you are happy to proceed select Send.
  5. You should now receive an Authy two-factor authentication (2FA) message on your phone. Follow the instructions to authenticate.
  6. If the payment sends to Modulr with no issues, a success message will display.

Approve the payments in the Modulr Portal

Sign in to the Modulr Portal and review the payments in Approvals.

Delegates – select the Customer who's payments need approving from 'Customers' in the side menu. Select 'Approvals' from the customer-specific menu that appears below. 

Successful payments

  1. Back in Iris payroll, all successful submissions display under Faster Payments | Audit.
  2. Any errors found during the transmission process will display under Faster Payments | Error Log.


You cannot send data from Earnie to Modulr before resolving the issues displayed on the error log. After every successful submission, the Error Log will repopulate with new data.


If you send more than 1000 employee payments in one submission and an error occurs, this can result in incomplete requests. If you are required to resend the file, please ensure that all existing payments have been deleted in the Modulr portal before resubmitting the payments.


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